This course is for those, who are interested in learning the basics of modern JavaScript programming: the language syntax, how it works in browsers, what the common cross-browser problems are.The course is designed for those who want to acquire in-depth knowledge in JavaScript, one of the most popular and in demand skills in today's job market.
Training key topics include:
- Titles and Paragraphs
- Links, Images
- Ordered and Unordered Lists
- Tables, Forms
- More Input Fields
- Text Areas, Dropdown Selections
- Structure of a HTML Document
- Project Structure
- Including CSS
- Selections, reset.css
- Box Model, Min and Max Width
- Centering Horizontally
- Background Image
- Font Styling, Decorating Lists
- Styling Tables, Using CSS Grid for an HTML Layout
- Creating a Responsive Form
- Creating a Responsive Portfolio
- Creating a Responsive Shop
- Creating a Responsive Business WebsiteVariables, Arithmetic Options
- Console, Objects
- Strings, Arrays
- Add and Remove Array Elements
- Multidimensional Arrays
- Arrays and Objects
- Functions, Scope
- Nested Functions
- Methods, Function Expressions
- Canvas Rectangle
- Animating the Canvas
- If - Else Statements
- Boolean Expressions
- While Loops, For Loops
- Break and Continue
- ForEach
- JavaScript Load Event
- Mouse Events
- Touch Events
- Namespaces
- Classes
Responsive Web Site
21st Century Skills Develop ment
- Technical English
- Idea Development
- Business Environments
- Marketing & Strategy
- Presentation Skills
Training start day: 2024
Training duration: 2 times per week / 2 hours daily/ 7-8 months
Training days: Monday and Thursday / 17:00-19:00
Training fee: 33 000 AMD (monthly)
Participants’ pre-requisites: No background knowledge needed.