Our parents are wary of using computers and the internet, often because they have had no experience of them and think they are too old to learn how to use them. If they can master it, it can bring untold happiness to their lives. They can do the following using a computer by themselves:
- Apply skills and concepts for basic use of computer (hardware, software, network, internet)
- Communicate via email, social networking sites
- Search and find the needed resources (books, videos, receipts, news, etc.)
- Connect their friends and family at home on Skype
This is perfect training program for elderly people to learn basic computer skills they need in their everyday life. We believe that computer skills are absolutely necessary for elderly people in today's world!
Key topics include:
- Basic Computer Skills
- Basic Word/Excel Processing Skills
- Basic Internet Skills
- Basic E-Mail Skills
- Media literacy
Please note: These course is designed for elderly people.
Participants’ pre-requisites: No previous knowledge of computers is necessary. This basic computer skills course is designed for adult users who have little or no understanding, knowledge of, or experience in using a computer and would like the opportunity to learn with others in a supportive and encouraging environment.
Duration: 32 hours / 16 days / 2 hour per day